Founded in 1989 by Leo C. DiEgidio, Esq., the Academy of Continuing Legal Education seeks to provide classes which will be useful to small-office practitioners who encounter a wide variety of legal issues of concern to individuals, families, and small businesses. The Academy has engaged judges, magistrates, administrative hearing officers, and experienced private practitioners, to present a continuing series of programs at various locations around Ohio, each of which is approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio toward fulfilling an Ohio attorney's biennial requirement of 24 hours of continuing education. The Academy has incorporated presentations fulfilling the Professional Conduct requirement into many of our programs.

Ohio Election Law 2024.1 will be presented July 23, 2024, live, in-person, at Richfield.

The Academy has reserved the large banquet room at the Venue South, formerly the Richfield Conference Center, in the Quality Inn. This is the same location used for the past fourteen years, using the largest conference room in the venue. Seating of attendees will be distanced as required. All hope that the public health situation does not become critical again, but if it does, attendees will be requested, or, if the public health situation deteriorates, required to wear masks, except program speakers when speaking from the podium and distanced from others. If you believe you are sick, please do not attend. The Academy has customarily attracted some of the most experienced Ohio election law practitioners to our events, and we will do our best to make sure that our attendees stay healthy.

The regular registration fee for this program remains at, $235.00 for regular registration and $180.00 for non-attorney election official registration received before July 15, 2024. The late registration fee remains at $265.00 for all registrations received July 15, 2024, or later.

Once again, to minimize the likelihood of disease transmission through contact, the Academy will email the program materials in pdf format, about July 19, before the program, so as to minimize paper handling. If you require a paper copy of the materials, the Academy will provide a set of paper materials for an additional cost of ten dollars per set. There is a space on the Reservation form that an attendee may pay the additional $10.00 and receive a printed set of materials at sign-in on the day of the program. The Academy has arranged with the venue so that electric power outlets are available for charging the electronic devices of attendees.

Changing election laws continue to make it important that the Academy present the Ohio Election Law program, to keep Ohio attorneys, election officials, candidates, campaign professionals, and citizen activists, informed on actions of the Ohio General Assembly, of the Secretary of State of Ohio, and of Ohio and federal courts, as those actions affect the conduct of elections in Ohio. The 2024.1 program will be July 23, fifteen days before the August 7 filing deadline for issues for the November 5, 2024, Presidential election.

The July 23, 2024, six-and-one-half-hour "Ohio Election Law 2024.1" program has been approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio, Commission on CLE, for the customary four hours general CLE and two and one-half hours Professional Conduct, as for the past fourteen years. This program has also been approved by the Secretary of State, for four hours of Board of Elections continuing education credit for members and directors. The detailed description of this program is posted here.

Click for details on the July 23 Ohio Election Law 2024.1 program, a program outline, and a registration form.

367 North Cleveland Avenue       Mogadore, OH  44260-2101